
The NHSX apple is due to be launched in a few weeks and is being trialled in the Isle of Wight. Jamal Ahmed, Fellow of Information Privacy and CEO of Kazient Privacy Experts talks to Andrew Pierce on LBC an how your Privacy could be impacted by the app.

Should you be concerned by the NHSX App? Data Privacy expert Jamal Ahmed talks to RT News
The UK government accidentally revealed some of its future plans for its COVID-19 contact-tracing app by leaving them on a publicly accessible Google Drive. CEO of Kazient Privacy Experts and Fellow of Information Privacy, Jamal Ahmed speaks to RT UK News on some of the major concerns with the NHSX app.

Is there any link between 5G and coronavirus? Jamal Ahmed speaks to RT UK News
Celebrities have pushed the idea that 5G is harmful and linked to Covid-19. With a lot of fake news and misinformation going around, it’s difficult to separate the truth from what’s false. CEO of Kazient Privacy Experts, Jamal Ahmed speaks to RT UK News to clarify the facts and shed light on misconceptions linking 5G with Coronavirus.

Expert says ‘Zoom’s practices violate our human right to privacy’
An increasing number of people have switched to video conferencing platforms like Zoom since the Coronavirus outbreak. But the site has failed to put in adequate privacy and security measures to protect the millions of users that are using the app. Jamal Ahmed, Fellow of Information Privacy and CEO of Kazient Privacy Experts reviewed Zoom’s privacy policy and discusses his findings with Campaign.